Friday, September 24, 2010

Mau'umae Hike

My evil former boss who wishes to remain nameless and faceless took me on my first ridge hike on 08.12.10. There were times during this hike when I believed that my old boss was actually attempting to kill me. The experience was frightening and I thought I would share it with everyone.

We took the #14 to Maunalani Heights and then walked up the last street until we hit a little sign that said "Mau'umae Trail". The sign was mocking us. (Or maybe just me) Since I had successfully finished the Nuuanu Trail I thought that this trail would be a breeze. It wasn't, I cried the whole time.

There were spectacular views of Waikiki all the way to downtown  Honolulu. Unfortunately I could not enjoy those views since we had 20 mph gusts on this ridge with 100 foot drops on both sides and nothing to cling too. The ground was dry and crumbily and made it difficult for my shoes to grip the trail. I highly recommend hiking shoes. If U are wearing sandals, just turn back now. Its not worth the helicopter ride with an annoyed firefighter and a spotlight on the Channel 2 News.

Its a steep hike considering there are 100 foot drops on both sides and I'm a novice hiker. There were small shrubs but only a few dead trees so there was nothing for me to cling too other than my old boss. That may have been his plan the whole entire time.

There is a reason why they say "Don't look down".

We had to negotiate a few rocks.

The trail has several views of Waikiki to Honolulu. Just don't get so caught up in the view that U slip and fall to your death 100 feet below.
This is an ugly cactus flower I saw at the beginning of the trail. It does not bite, even though it looks carniverous.

Thank U for sharing this experience with me. This hike sucks, don't go on it.